Eechdaa (Dave Ketah)

Artist – Teacher – Public Speaker

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Born and raised in Ketchikan, AK, he was given his Tlingit name by his paternal grandmother. She also introduced him to the richness of his heritage. The currents of life in the modern world led him to settle in Portland, OR, where he is a high school teacher. In recent years, he became immersed in the design and carving tradition of his ancestors. He works with a variety of materials, yet mostly in wood. Eechdaa seeks to join those who carry Tlingit tradition, language and creativity forward while raising up the next generation of culture bearers.

Latest works

Teaching and Community

Alaska Beacon Interview

Lisa Phu of news organization Alaska Beacon interviews Eechdaa.

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Stonington Mask Exhibition

Visit Stonington Gallery in December 2022 to see several of Eechdaa’s masks on display

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